photo + words by Stephanie Estrada
HP: This is your first year at SXSW, have you seen any bands?
CL: No, I haven’t gotten to see anyone yet because we’ve been doing consistent shows. Running around and I’m looking forward to Friday night I’ve got some time off!
HP: Awesome! You are about to release your debut album One Big Nothing during the summer, are you going to be playing new songs during SXSW?
CL: Yeah! The whole set is made up with all the new songs.
HP: How do you like performing in the U.S. than in Australia? Is there a big difference?
CL: I feel like American and Australian crowds are pretty similar. In Austin people who come to the shows have a really good time. They’re always sweet crowds and rowdy ones. It’s always fun. You’ll never want a dead crowd! I think American and Australian crowds are similar in that way, very energetic.
HP: Do you plan on going on tour?
CL: Yeah, for sure. I think we are going to be touring mostly in Australia.
HP: Do you plan to play shows internationally or just in Australia?
CL: I think we are going to be doing a lot of touring everywhere. We’ll be in the U.S quite a bit and some European shows. Some stuff in Australia as well, it’s exciting because we haven’t played that many shows in Europe. I still want to do loads of shows in America and it’s really fun for me.
HP: Do you have a favorite song from the album?
CL: My favorite song is Wasted Time, I spent six months working on it.
HP: What’s the inspiration behind Wasted Time?
CL: Do you know when you’re feeling down and you don’t understand why that person wants to be friends with me, or why you want to hang out with me. Almost as if it’s in your head, a bit of paranoia. That’s kind of the inspiration behind it.
HP: You have played in Coachella, how was that experience?
CL: It was amazing! It was one of the first big festivals that I’ve ever performed and it was nerve-wracking. But also really great though. My whole family flew from Australia to come see me perform. It was a great experience.
HP: Do you prefer performing at festivals instead of concerts?
CL: Oh, I think I like both for different reasons. I think festivals you’re on the clock and you have to sound check quickly and you’re thrown into it. It’s almost as a big adrenaline rush and I feel like if it’s a music venue it’s more intimate. It’s a different setting. I like both of them for sure!
HP: Do you feel that way when you’re performing? What people will think about you?
CL: I do all the time. I think you go in and out like everybody does. That voice that tells you “oh, my god I think I’m doing a terrible job.” It’s all in your head.