The Cosmic Force of Harry Styles
By Bella Vega
Harry Styles is a chosen one. Everyone knows them; the coworker with bright ideas and an even brighter outlook on life, the girl next to you in class who's dead set on going to Harvard, and she's just smart enough to get there. It's the sort of ethereal presence in our lives of people we know are destined for greatness, the only thing we are waiting on is time.
In his highly coveted Another Man magazine Issue, his sister, Gemma, writes about his perfectly normal upbringing with somewhat of a wistful, longing tone. Harry was nothing special, apart from his positive attitude, too shy to exit his room while singing, yet being the class clown at school. Overall, he was extraordinarily ordinary. The most impactful part of this letter is how she ends it, nostalgia practically spilling on to the page, after detailing the disbelief she felt when her baby brother kept succeeding on X-Factor. She states “My baby brother never came home again. He grew up, and all of our memories became his origin story.”
As the legend foretells, the young Cheshire native was catapulted to fame at the tender age of 16, barely making it on the train to catch a glimpse of his girlfriend, who was wrapped in the perfume that now, thousands spray on in hopes of recognition. From there, he spent 5 years in the most recognizable boy band in all of history, only for it to come crashing down within the most glorious Icarus-esque chaos of drama and scandal.
The wax had melted, but plunge into the ocean he did not. Instead of drowning, he grabbed the feathers and turned them into a pair of Falcon’s wings, soaring higher than before. With a sold-out concert and a best-selling, yet raw and intimate album, Harry Styles was back on the sun.
Yet, it came as no surprise. All of the loving fans, media specialists, and celebrities who had watched the band knew that Harry was the one, the Justin Timberlake of the band, forgive the comparison (Justin’s blonde curls have nothing on Harry’s baby greens and flowy dark mane).
This begs the question...why? What makes him so captivating? Why does this one boy from the middle of England get to be the one boy that every single person admires?
Because he does.
That’s the only way to put it. [Text Wrapping Break]When the cosmic powers create someone, in their little mixing bowl, they write out their purpose. Harry Styles has captivated us by not sacrificing his personality and style (as have other members of his band) in order to be in the limelight. He’s perfectly ordinary, and might as well be the same boy who held the door open for us at the grocery store or started a polite conversation with the check-out worker than the world’s most recognizable rock star. We love him because he’s one of us, not a manufactured persona. We hope and pray he stays that way.
Like the comet, Harry Styles is bright and shining, even more so up close than from afar; and also like the comet and with every popular culture trend, Harry Styles seems elusive, just close enough to watch him glow and just out of our reach so that our hands can never truly catch him. However close we might get, may the great comet shine brighter than ever before, always searching, always moving, always dreaming.