Hoodie Allen
with Myles Parrish + Luke Christopher
11.9.17 // Plaza Live // Orlando, FL
Photos + Words by Nicole Solero
High energy, epic confetti, & cake being thrown into the crowd. This past November I had the opportunity to attend & shoot Hoodie Allen live in concert here in Orlando, FL. My first time ever seeing Hoodie Allen live & besides seeing pics from other shows on Social media- I had absolutely no idea what to expect.
After attending the concert I was assured how fitting the name of the tour (same as his recent album) is because "The Hype" was real.
When time came for doors to open, I'm standing in line waiting to enter the theater & I couldn't believe what my first glance through the door was; It was Hoodie. Right on the other side of the merch line there he was selling his merch to his fans. Hoodie gave something priceless to each and every one of his fans & that was an opportunity to interact with him if even for a second outside of the stage. That pretty much set the mood for the night, because you can imagine how excited & connected the crowd already felt to the rapper.
After an awesome lineup of performances between the show's opening acts Myles Parrish & Luke Christopher the crowd was warmed up ready for the night. Wasting no time intro to his set- Hoodie pops out on stage straight to song with "Believe". After performing a couple songs from his recent album Hoodie took everyone a couple years back when he started singing a bunch of his older songs. It was pretty overwhelming hearing the first song I ever heard from Hoodie back in 2012 "No Faith In Brooklyn" being performed live.
He was able to display a growth in his music & that's something we all love to see in our favorite artists. The music filled the room & no matter where you stood in the room that night every spot was a great spot. Thank you Hoodie for putting on such a great show.