Jared & The Mill:
U.K. + Ireland Tour 2017
Photo journal + words by michael carter
A year or two ago, a friend of mine asked me over beers why I hadn’t photographed the guys more often when we’ve been on tour. A good question. Until then I never noticed or thought of it much, but I suppose being a dude in a band with a camera is a lot different than being a tour photographer. I‘m often wrapped up in whatever we’re doing — soundchecks, long drives, selling merch after a show, finding a place to eat after load in, and grabbing whatever little sleep I can — that I often miss those opportunities, or feel a lack of inspiration to capture those daily parts of my life on the road. I’m always busy looking outward with my camera. The interstates, motels, truck stops we pass through, friends and strangers we encounter, and the neighborhoods we find ourselves in distract me. I guess to photograph the guys I share the road with, who have become as familiar as family, would be more like looking inward. For whatever reason this neglect has happened, I found myself discouraged by these passed up opportunities to capture the lives of my friends who I love so much. To watch and document the ways they change, interact with their surroundings, and survive this lifestyle we’ve committed ourselves to.
Last month, we went on our first overseas tour covering a good deal of England and Ireland. The tour came at the end of nearly 5 months of being mostly on the road or in the studio. We were tired, but stoked to be in a new place together. Watching and experiencing the give and take of our new settings made it easier to look inward. What was so familiar and second nature touring back home now felt a little different. (10 road dog points to Chuck and Larry for driving stick shift and on the left side of the road all month.) This year I decided to take my friend’s advice and take a swing at photographing the fellas more often. Its been as frustrating as it has been rewarding, and though I still feel miles away from being what I would call a photographer, I liked these photos, and I hope you do, too.
Jared in the morning. Newcastle.
Instant coffee. Glasgow.
Foggy eyed morning at our Airbnb. Glasgow.
Jared. Glasgow.
Josh brushing his teeth. Glasgow.
Good morning, Josh. Glasgow.
Chuck leaving Scotland. Glasgow.
Jared leaving Birmingham.
Day off in Edinburg.
Day off in Edinburg.
Josh calling a store owner. London.
Somewhere in the Midlands. England.
Larry somewhere near Belfast.
Jared riding shotgun. England.
Truck stop. Republic of Ireland.
Leaving Scotland on the ferry. North Channel.
Larry tells a story. North Channel.
Larry and Chuck. North Channel.
Jared. North Channel.
Jared. North Channel.
Selfie. North Channel.
Jared arriving in Belfast.
Chuck and Jared. Belfast.
Loading in. Manchester.
Josh tuning his drums. Newcastle.
Jared in the green room. Manchester.
Jared, Larry, and Chuck in the kitchen/storage closet/green room. Newcastle.
Loading in. Dundalk.
Loading out. Dundalk.