Deep Cuts
SXSW 2019
“Hey y’all, Chase Harris from Deep Cuts here. We had an incredible time at South by Southwest this year. The gigs were great, and we went out every night to the point that we were practically nocturnal. Here are some snapshots of those nights, and some candid portraits of new friends and old.”

Our gig at Esther’s Follies, which was a seated vaudeville theater, turned out to be my favorite. (Chase Harris on vocals and guitar, Dylan Villarreal on bass, Jordan Brady on drums.)

Robert Ellis, a fellow Houston artist, just released a great LP and played Southby too. I ran into him at a party and pulled him aside.

Geoffrey Mueller plays bass in Robert Ellis’ band. This guy is one of the kindest and most interesting people I know. Geoffrey is as humble as he is talented. (He’s played a few gigs with us in Deep Cuts, too.)

Here’s a shot of us eating McDonald’s at 3AM on the hood of the company car.

Ran into model and fashion designer Erin Wasson.

Our keyboardist Jack sporting a lavender trench coat.

Jack staying warm.

Our bassist Dylan and manager Dustin going in for a hug.

One of our friends from Houston, Brittany Cristiano, looked like a movie star.

Sad that I cut off part of the flash here, but our buddy Patrick Peterson looked awesome anyways. I need some leather pants.

Didn’t get the names of these folks, but they looked too good to pass up.

Dylan and myself in the back of the truck we drove around in for SXSW. Can’t wait til next year.